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Publish or be damned? An alternative impact manifesto for research software

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Publish or be damned? An alternative impact manifesto for research software

Neil Chue Hong

Neil Chue Hong


Posted on 2 May 2011

Estimated read time: 10 min
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Publish or be damned? An alternative impact manifesto for research software

Posted by n.chuehong on 2 May 2011 - 6:32pm

PrintingPress.jpgIn the research world, we're often told that the the only way for our work to have a measurable impact is through the citation of publications based on our work. The mechanisms for this are in place, the stakeholders understand the framework, and everyone is happy... or so we're led to believe.

However, the status quo neglects the many research outputs, including software, that may be generated by a research activity and certainly doesn't encourage their sharing and reuse, let alone give proper credit for their production.

The move towards recognising software

At the Software Sustainability Institute, this topic has come up time and time again as we've worked with different research groups: how do we measure the impact of software development that arises as a direct result of the research activity? This is important because it helps sustain not only the software (by showing the impact and use of software outside of its immediate development environment) but also helps to sustain the knowledge base surrounding it (by encouraging people involved in its development to continue working). Current methods rely on publishing a paper on your work, and asking people to cite that (which isn't always simple as the R community have found).

Without understanding the impact of software, being able to articulate it to others, and persuading them to recognise this, we are unable to fully support software in the long term.

Luckily, we are not alone. Many groups are already looking at the issue of measuring impact of data sets and other research outputs, often hand-in-hand with the open-science and open-research movements. The DataCite consortium are addressing the challenges of making data sets accessible and visible. Alt-Metrics have emerged to suggest alternative views of impact which move away from the more traditional citations and peer opinion, emphasising approaches which make use of tools and semantic information. The Executable Paper Challenge asks people to examine ways of ensuring verification and scholarly communication for results which make use of software within the constraints of the current publishing model. And last but not least, the Beyond Impact project is looking to facilitate a conversation between researchers, their funders, and developers about what we mean by the impact of research and how we can make its measurement more reliable, more useful, and more accepted by the research community.

Software isn't just a dataset

Given this wealth of work, particularly on tracking and understanding the impact of research data outputs, why can we not reuse it for software? 

Well, we can, but there are a number of issues which make software a particularly specialised form of dataset. Not all are specifically software based - probe into the data publishing and reuse world and you can see similar issues - but they are the ones which need to be addressed if we want to give proper credit to software as a research output, and understand its impact.


In general, when a dataset is deposited in a repository, that specifies its granularity - the dataset can be considered as a unique object. It may consist of a collection of pieces of data that have distinct characteristics (e.g. an album is well-defined as a collection of songs) but importantly there is a point in time at which the distinction is made.

Software has become harder to define, in particular as software has made the leap from a single machine to a distributed system. What do you consider a part of the software, and what might you assign an identifier to? What is an application: source code, binaries, workflows, manuals, website? Because the boundaries of a piece of software are less distinct than a dataset, the dependencies - both explicit and tacit, functional and non-functional become more important.

There is also great scope for ambiguity in the internal contents of a software object. Examples of this include: alternative routines and libraries, and downloadable content (DLC) which is accessed post release.


When do you consider software has changed enough that it constitutes a new version? Although best practice for software development has well defined processes for versioning, how do these map to more accessible identifiers for assessing impact? Basically, how can we cite software when software citations are not generally compatible with the speed of evolution in software development?

This is not dissimilar to the current case for datasets: some consider a new version to be created when a new public deposit is made at a repository; others do not change the identifier associated with the dataset, but update the manifest to indicate that the data in the collection has been changed or corrected.

A particular issue for software is the increased likelihood that certain versions of software will have particular bugs which affect the quality of a derived work. Understanding the evolution and quality of software objects is an important part of versioning: if an instance of a software object is wrong, should it be possible to revoke. Likewise, if software is not good enough, but has been used to produce results, should it be given an identifier?

As a side note, collections of many versions of a digital object are an important study archive in their own right!

Authorship vs Credit

One particular quirk of software development is that it is often hard to define authorship. More specifically, it is hard (and indeed probably bad practice) to attribute authorship of particular pieces of code to particular people. Therefore how do we attribute credit?

Even when you can determine authorship, it is near impossible to define the contribution an individual has had to impact at the time that their contribution is made, and also at the time at which an identifier is created for a particular version of a piece of software. For instance, a small contribution of a bug fix might turn out to have a huge impact in derived research based on a piece of software. How and when do you define who gets what portion of credit?

A probable solution is to divorce the attribution of credit from the identifier for the software set. This allows each software project to define its own contribution assignment model. But clearly there should be some way of being able to collectively work towards best practice in this area

Looking further afield, other communities have sought to address this issue. The crowdsourced product design site Quirky has the concept of influence, which is their way of attributing future credit shares amongst contributors. As the number of projects increases, and more go to market, the model they use for attributing these shares can be tuned so that it reflects the different weights depending on the size of project, number of participants and stage of the contributions. Could we do the same for software?

A call to arms 

It's clear that something needs to be done. It's also clear that it's not clear who should drive this work. For datasets, there is a clear need for data publishers, those tasked with providing long term access to datasets (e.g. libraries, data repositories) to make this work. For software, should it be the developers, producers, distributors, archives, funders or users who deal with this problem? In many cases there is no clear middle man publisher: organisations like SourceForge are infrastructure providers who have no need of understanding impact of the projects they host and at the level of detail we seek.

So, as a rallying call to to those who do care, I propose the following manifesto - thoughts, comments and improvements via email or twitter @npch - I promise to give credit for contributions!

The Research Software Impact Manifesto

As those involved in the use and development of software used in research, we believe that:

  1. Open science is a fundamental requirement for the overall improvement and acheivement of scientific research.
  2. Open science is built on the tenets of reuse, repurposing, reproducibility and reward.
  3. Software has become the third pillar of research, supporting theory and experiment.
  4. Current mechanisms for measuring impact do not allow the impact of software to be properly tracked in the research community.
  5. We must establish a framework for understanding the impact of software that both recognises and rewards software producers, software users and software contributors; and encourages the sharing and reuse of software to achieve maximum research impact.

To enable this, we subscribe to the following principles:

  • Communality: software is considered as the collective creation of all who have contributed
  • Openness: the ability of others to reuse, extend and repurpose our software should be rewarded
  • One of Many: we recognise that software is an intrinsic part of research, and should not be divorced from other research outputs
  • Pride: we shouldn't be embarassed by publishing code which is imperfect, nor should other people embarass us
  • Explanation: we will provide sufficient associated data and metadata to allow the significant characteristics of the software to be defined
  • Recognition: if we use a piece of software for our research we will acknowledge its use and let its authors know
  • Availability: when a version of software is "released" we commit to making it available for an extended length of time 
  • Tools: the methods of identification and description of software objects must lend themselves to the simple use of multiple tools for tracking impact 
  • Equality: credit is due to both the producer and consumer in equal measure, and due to all who have contributed, whether they are academics or not

This does not rescind the values of the current credit system, but reinforces them by acknowledging that there are many forms of output that can lead to indicator events.

Credit where credit is due

I must thank the following people who have participated in discussions which have led to this article: Tom Pollard and Max Wilkinson, British Library (software citations); Cameron Neylon, STFC (open science, code deposit, and alt-metrics); Michael Feathers, Object Mentor (behavioural economics for software engineering); Greg Wilson, Software Carpentry (software development by researchers); Dirk Roorda, DANS (economic models for software preservation); Brian Matthews and his SoftPres team at STFC (software and software project metadata for software preservation); Steve Bennett, ANDS (software project metadata); Ross Gardler, OSS-Watch (software project metadata), and anyone else I may have missed. 

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