SSI4 impacts and themes

Since 2010, the SSI set itself the ambitious goal of transforming academic culture by establishing the principle that reliable, reproducible, and reusable software is necessary across all research disciplines. Despite the magnitude of this challenge, the SSI has delivered substantive improvements and achieved global successes. 

Close up of water droplets on a window, Photo by Rodion Kutsaiev on Unsplash

Strategic impacts

During the fourth phase of the Software Sustainability Institute (SSI), we capitalise on those successes focussing on key strategic impacts and themes that align with the current needs of the research software community and its funders. Our goal is continuing to ensure that research software is an inclusive and integral part of research. In order to achieve this goal, we identified four main impacts for SSI4.


Evidence-Driven Research Software Policy and Guidance

Enabling policymakers at all levels (project, institution, funder, government, international) to use relevant evidence to create policies supporting the use, re-use, creation, and dissemination of research software.


Capable Research Communities

Creating connected communities of practitioners who are sharing knowledge enables them to develop diversified training programmes — covering various courses, formats, languages, and levels — and establish robust community infrastructure to support these initiatives.


Widespread Adoption of Research Software Best Practice

Promoting best practice in research software, including reproducibility, minimising environmental impact, enabling recognition and career paths, improving research culture, and software reuse and maintenance.


Broadened Access and Contributions to the Research Software Community

Connecting more researchers writing code to the wider digital research infrastructure landscape. Improving diversity among users and developers, and encouraging more organisations to contribute to the sustainability of research software.

New themes

To support the four impacts above, the SSI continues to build on its world-leading programmes and activities but with a new emphasis on changing culture and embedding better software practices within universities and research organisations.

This includes four new themes for SSI-4:

  • Environmental impact of research software
  • EDIA in the research software community
  • The role of AI in software-driven research
  • The role of research performing organisations and industry in supporting research software.

These initiatives aim to benefit everyone involved in research, including researchers, Research Software Engineers, Research Technical Professionals, and others. By enhancing their engagement with research software and digital research infrastructure, we seek to support the broader research ecosystem and maximise its potential.

A blurry photo of a street at night

Featured image by Rodion Kutsaiev on Unsplash

Strategic themes image by Roman B on Unsplash