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Life after NeSCForge - surviving a repository closure

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Life after NeSCForge - surviving a repository closure

Neil Chue Hong

Neil Chue Hong


Posted on 26 November 2010

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Life after NeSCForge - surviving a repository closure

Posted by n.chuehong on 26 November 2010 - 3:16pm

NeSCForge.pngNeSCForge has been the home to many of the software projects from the UK's e-Science programme and beyond. However, pressures of funding have led to the decision to close NeSCForge permanently on 20th December 2010.

So what do you do if your software was using NeSCForge or another site marked for closure? Don't panic - it's fairly painless and the SSI can help guide you through the process.

We've recently extended our collection of guides for developers to include:

Hopefully, these will be useful for those of you looking to migrate projects  to a new home.

It's a timely reminder that you need to be aware of risks and react quickly when change is required to ensure software sustainability. Nevertheless, as long as you keep your community on board for the ride (for instance, like the UK NGS software team) having to change repository should just be an inconvenience, not life-threatening to your software.

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