CW15 Discussion Sessions

Discussion sessions allow a group of people to discuss a topic that interests them in a way that furthers our knowledge of that topic. They are a fundamental part of the Collaborations Workshop and help people learn about new ideas and work on solving shared problems. On this page, you will find both the discussion topics and a record of the sessions.

Attendees at Hackathon Co-Afina 2023

Before you take part in the discussion session, read these guidelines about how the session should run and what part you can play.

Schedule and topics 

You can see the list of topics, topic owners, rooms and schedule.


Discussion Topics

The following discussion topics focus on the grand challenges. The aim of these topics is to scope the problem space and suggest what needs to be done. When discussing these questions or linking to relevant materials, the #CW15strategy hashtag needs to be used.

  • Should we consider Software Engineering as a discipline within interdisciplinary research?
  • What are the best ways of communicating knowledge between disciplines in interdisciplinary research? What venues for presenting interdisciplinary research (journals, conferences, etc) exist?
  • What would a good funding scheme for interdisciplinary research which uses software look like?
  • How would we create a better forum to find collaborators in different disciplines?​
  • What is the purpose of a data management plan in helping to share data and results?
  • What new ways would you like to see give you credit for interdisciplinary working?
  • What new ways would you like to see give you credit for developing software?
  • What are the management challenges in interdisciplinary research, how do we structure goals and rewards to involve the whole project

The following discussion topics focus on identifying "good practice". The aim of these topics is to identify examples of good practice, and come up with ways of propagating them effectively. When discussing these questions or linking to relevant materials, the #CW15practice hashtag needs to be used.

  • What software do you use to help you collaborate, and how?
  • What tools and commons do I use in my team to help share data and results?
  • What are the best formats for sharing data and results across disciplines?
  • How does software support reproducibility of results without requiring expert domain knowledge?
  • What are the best ways of communicating technical requirements from researchers to developers? Are there examples of good common vocabularies that have been created to aid interdisciplinary projects?
  • What software engineering techniques help separate implementation from application?
  • How do you work with legacy code where implementation is tied to application?
  • What are the skills required to automate a workflow which uses different components?
  • What generic methods can you use to couple/bridge/glue models from different disciplines together?
  • Can we crowd-source materials for software engineering?
  • What are the best examples of interdisciplinary research projects involving software and what makes them good examples

If you have a topic you would like discussed at the Collaborations Workshop 2015 (CW15) please contact us by email.

Note - discussion topics above are mostly based on suggestions from those registered to attend CW15.