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New forms for requesting and reporting Carpentry workshops

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New forms for requesting and reporting Carpentry workshops

Aleksandra Nenadic

Aleksandra Nenadic

Training Team Lead

Posted on 2 October 2019

Estimated read time: 2 min
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New forms for requesting and reporting Carpentry workshops

Posted by g.law on 2 October 2019 - 7:47am Data carpentry classroom sceneImage from Data Carpentry

By Aleksandra Nenadic, Training Lead

The Carpentries has updated the way workshops are reported and has introduced a new form for communities to either report self-organised workshops or request a centrally-organised workshop.

Carpentries’ workshops can be grouped in two categories: centrally-organised and self-organised.

Centrally-organised workshops are organised by a team of Carpentries Regional Coordinators who take care of logistics and administration such as finding instructors and handling workshop registration. For self-organised workshops, the host of the event is responsible for arranging all these details. For both workshop types, The Carpentries will provide assistance with pre- and post-workshop surveys.

If you are running a self-organised workshop, try to let The Carpetries know in advance in order to get the pre-workshop survey results ahead of your workshop and generate a bit more publicity for your event (as it will appear under up-coming workshops on The Carpentries’ web site).

With this update, The Carpentries will also begin tracking the non-standard self-organised workshops - e.g. workshops taught only for one day or over a longer period of time rather than the standard two days, or workshops teaching only individual Carpentry modules or mix and matching different curricula.
You can read more about the changes in this blogpost from The Carpentries.

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