Mark Plumbley
Director of Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary, University of London
Advisory Board Alumnus
Following my graduation in 1984 (Electrical Sciences Tripos, Churchill College, Cambridge), I joined Thorn-EMI Central Research Laboratories, working on videotape data storage and high-definition TV. In 1987 I returned to Cambridge University Engineering Department as a Research Student under the late Frank Fallside, working on information theory and neural networks, continuing as a Research Associate. In 1991 I joined the Centre for Neural Networks at King's College London, initially in the Department of Mathematics and then Computer Science before moving to Electronic Engineering 1995. I was Joint Coordinator of the the EC-funded NEuroNet Network of Excellence in Neural Networks.
I have been working in source separation and independent component analysis (ICA) for 5 years, following a background in neural networks since 1987, including the particular method of non-negative ICA. I have applied ICA and related models to the analysis of music, including automatic music transcription. In 2002 I joined the new Digital Signal Processing group at Queen Mary, University of London, and later that year visited the ICA group at Helsinki University of Technology on a 3-month Leverhulme Trust Study Abroad Fellowship. Recent EPSRC Funding includes: Automatic Polyphonic Music Transcription Using Multiple Cause Models and Independent Component Analysis (GR/R54620/01); Object-based Coding of Musical Audio (GR/S75802/01); Information Dynamics of Music (GR/S82213/01). I currently coordinate the EPSRC Digital Music Research Network (GR/R64810/01) and the ICA Research Network (EP/C005554/1).
Following my graduation in 1984 (Electrical Sciences Tripos, Churchill College, Cambridge), I joined Thorn-EMI Central Research Laboratories, working on videotape data storage and high-definition TV. In 1987 I returned to Cambridge University Engineering Department as a Research Student under the late Frank Fallside, working on information theory and neural networks, continuing as a Research Associate. In 1991 I joined the Centre for Neural Networks at King's College London, initially in the Department of Mathematics and then Computer Science before moving to Electronic Engineering 1995. I was Joint Coordinator of the the EC-funded NEuroNet Network of Excellence in Neural Networks.
I have been working in source separation and independent component analysis (ICA) for 5 years, following a background in neural networks since 1987, including the particular method of non-negative ICA. I have applied ICA and related models to the analysis of music, including automatic music transcription. In 2002 I joined the new Digital Signal Processing group at Queen Mary, University of London, and later that year visited the ICA group at Helsinki University of Technology on a 3-month Leverhulme Trust Study Abroad Fellowship. Recent EPSRC Funding includes: Automatic Polyphonic Music Transcription Using Multiple Cause Models and Independent Component Analysis (GR/R54620/01); Object-based Coding of Musical Audio (GR/S75802/01); Information Dynamics of Music (GR/S82213/01). I currently coordinate the EPSRC Digital Music Research Network (GR/R64810/01) and the ICA Research Network (EP/C005554/1).