Mike Chantler
Professor of Computer Vision at Heriot-Watt University
I’ve been researching visual texture for the last 30 years after becoming interested in solving underwater robotic vision problems. I have a first in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from Glasgow and PhD in image processing from Heriot-Watt. For a while after graduation I was a software engineer on mainly military related projects and did consultancy in Europe before taking up a post as a lecturer initially in Heriot-Watt’s Electrical Engineering Department.
I have successfully supervised over twenty phds, published over 100 peer-reviewed papers, have chaired a number of leading international conferences and workshops and attracted has multi-million pound EU and national funding. My current interests are in using crowd sourcing and social computing for large scale psychophysics, mass design feedback and interaction, and canvassing the structure of research council portfolios as viewed by their researchers.