Foundational skills courses

We offer courses on a range of topics on foundational computational skills.



  • Principles and best practices in open and reproducible research and FAIR research software
  • Tools to automate research and help replicate research results by writing software to implement the research methodology - e.g.  shell and programming languages (such as R and Python)
  • Tools to backup and version control research to keep track of how  computational analyses (code and data) evolve over time and record provenance information for reproducibility - such as git and GitHub
  • Foundational HPC skills for research
  • Code readability
  • Code testing to ensure correct and reliable research 
  • Sharing your work with others - documenting, citing and licensing research software
  • Open project/software management and collaboration

Many of these topics would be covered in a typical 2-day Software, Data, Library or HPC Carpentry workshop, but we can offer custom-made courses comprising of select topics to suit your particular needs. There is also a growing number of community-developed lessons on a range of domain-specific topics in The Carpentries Incubator that could be interest and we could help arrange. 

We also offer courses on some of the above and other topics in more depth and on a more intermediate level. Such courses are for people who have already gained foundational skills and have been developing research software on their own for a while but who are now working as part of bigger development teams or whose software is becoming more complex, has more stakeholders and has grown beyond a "proof of concept" script. 

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