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    A workshop for research software engineers

    13 December 2023

    A workshop for research software engineers By Simon Hettrick, Deputy Director. The first workshop for Research Software Engineers took place on 11 September 2013 …

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    Previously Discussed Topics

    12 December 2023

    … ) that have already occurred on topics related to Software Sustainability at Collaborations Workshops … topics.   Advocacy How can we help ensure research software is treated as a first-class researchResearch Software Engineering? Why research software engineers should have permanent contracts (11 December …

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    Event for Research Software Engineers starts and ends with a bang at PyCon UK

    30 September 2015

    Event for Research Software Engineers starts and ends with a bang at PyCon UK … By Sarah Mount , Research Associate King’s College London and Institute …

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    Introducing NL-RSE: Bootstrapping the community of Research Software Engineers in the Netherlands

    07 March 2018

    Introducing NL-RSE: Bootstrapping the community of Research Software Engineers in the Netherlands Posted by …

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    Research Software Engineers

    19 September 2023

    Research Software Engineers The Research Software Engineering movement started in one of the …

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    Working scientist podcast: Love science, loathe coding? Research software engineers to the rescue

    23 April 2019

    Working scientist podcast: Love science, loathe coding? Research software engineers to the rescue Posted by s.aragon …

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    Research Software Engineers in HPC workshop and call for papers

    22 June 2021

    Research Software Engineers in HPC workshop and call for papers … by NeONBRAND on Unsplash A workshop on 'Research Software Engineers in HPC: Creating Community, …

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    Inaugural Edinburgh Research Software Engineers (RSE) Meeting

    25 September 2018

    Inaugural Edinburgh Research Software Engineers (RSE) Meeting Posted by s.aragon …

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    Teaching the Next Generation of Software Engineers

    06 May 2021

    Teaching the Next Generation of Software Engineers Posted by j.laird on 6 May 2021 … James Harrison on Unsplash By Peter Crowther (Research Software Engineer, IT Services, University of …

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    State of the Nation report on Research Software Engineers released

    10 April 2017

    State of the Nation report on Research Software Engineers released Posted by s.hettrick on …

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