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SRSG is seeking a Senior Research Software Engineer

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SRSG is seeking a Senior Research Software Engineer

Denis Barclay

Denis Barclay

Communications Officer

Posted on 25 July 2024

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SRSG is seeking a Senior Research Software Engineer

University of Southampton logo, people walking in the background

The Southampton Research Software Group (SRSG) is seeking a Senior Research Software Engineer (RSE) to join their team at the University of Southampton. The successful candidate will also have the opportunity to work with the Software Sustainability Institute.

The SRSG was one of the first RSE Groups set up in the UK and it is the base of operations for the campaign that helped recognise research software engineering across the world. As such, they can offer both a range of exciting projects within the University of Southampton and unparalleled opportunities to get involved with the national and international RSE community.

Applications from groups who are under-represented in the academic and RSE communities are strongly encouraged. Succesful candidates should have either experience of working in research or an equivalent PhD. Addionally, a solid background in software development practices and good communication skills are essential. A talent for technical problem solving is a must. Exposure to a wide range of technologies is expected and there will be many opportunities to build new skills. While expertise in all areas is not required, enthusiasm for learning new technologies is crucial. There will be many opportunities to develop skills that will advance your career by learning from leading RSEs, and to build on skills outside of software development, such as in project management and consultancy.

For further information, please contact Simon Hettrick.

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Research Software Engineers in HPC (RSE-HPC-2024): Call for Abstracts

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Research Software Engineers in HPC (RSE-HPC-2024): Call for Abstracts

Simon Hettrick

Simon Hettrick

Director of Strategy

Posted on 26 June 2024

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Research Software Engineers in HPC (RSE-HPC-2024): Call for Abstracts

US RSE and SC24 logos

RSE-HPC-2024 will be held as part of SC24 in Atlanta, GA, USA and online Sunday 17 November 2024, 9:00 am - 5:30 pm EST (UTC-5).

This workshop will bring together RSEs and allies involved in HPC, from all over the world, to grow the RSE community by establishing and strengthening professional networks of current RSEs and RSE leaders.

We encourage prospective participants to submit abstracts of proposed lightning talks (limit of 1 page, no format prescribed) on topics related to RSE issues. We particularly encourage talks on this year’s workshop theme of “RSEs and the Future of Computing” such as:

  • How will RSEs contribute to new technologies such as AI/ML, quantum computing, neuromorphic computing?

Other possible topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Career paths: how should RSEs be hired, promoted and evaluated?
  • Building RSE organizations: how to find RSEs in your country/region and how to motivate them to join the network and engage?
  • Supporting RSE organizations: what can be done to help RSEs (and those supporting RSEs) at international, national, regional, and local levels?
  • Making the business case for RSEs and RSE groups: evidence, case studies, tactics
  • How do we want funders to support RSE roles and activities?
  • Building in RSE requirements as part of wider research infrastructure
  • Providing mentoring and training for RSEs

The authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to present lightning talks or participate in panel discussions at the workshop. Note that SC24 is planning an in-person event and presenting in-person is encouraged. A supporting digital experience will accommodate those who cannot attend in-person due to travel restrictions or health concerns.

We particularly encourage submissions from first-time conference presenters and from members of groups that have historically been underrepresented in the HPC community.

Abstracts should be submitted to the submission website. The deadline for submissions is Friday 2 August at 11:59 PM AoE (UTC-12).


  • Submissions open:  Monday 17 June 2024
  • Submissions due:  Friday 2 August 2024
  • Notifications sent:  Friday 23 August 2024
  • Program finalized:  Friday 27 September 2024
  • Workshop date:  Sunday 17 November 2024


Contact the organizers at

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HPC-RSE workshop at ISC24 call for talk submissions

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HPC-RSE workshop at ISC24 call for talk submissions

Denis Barclay

Denis Barclay

Communications Officer

Posted on 7 February 2024

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HPC-RSE workshop at ISC24 call for talk submissions

HPC RSE logo and ISC logo

HPC-RSE workshop at ISC24 has opened the call for talk submissions from Research Software Engineers (RSEs), High Performance Computing (HPC) engineers, or students who wish to pursue a career in these areas. The deadline for submissions is Thursday 29 February.

The workshop will take place in Hamburg on Thursday 16 May, and focus on “Enhancing the symbiosis between HPC and RSE communities”. Talks should focus on the speakers' experiences and reflect on topics such as:

  • Has the RSE/HPC community helped improve a project, for example by finding collaboration partners or providing training?
  • Have you been involved in developing a training course or establishing career paths? 
  • Have you come across a training format that you think other people should know about?
  • What do you see as the link or overlap between HPC and RSE communities? 
  • Is there a clear career path for HPC-RSEs? Why do we still discuss RSE career pathways more than 12 years after the start of the RSE movement?

The two submission categories are:

  • Early career speaker*: Early career RSE or HPC engineers or students who could share their experiences entering the RSE/HPC community or a story of how a collaboration/project was made possible because of community involvement. 
  • Career Paths and training formats: Individuals who can talk about specific career paths in the RSE/HPC community or training formats/platforms. 

Further information about the submission requirements and how to apply can be found on the website.

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EOSC EVERSE: SSI Team to represent the University of Edinburgh

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EOSC EVERSE: SSI Team to represent the University of Edinburgh

Denis Barclay

Denis Barclay

Communications Officer

Posted on 1 December 2023

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EOSC EVERSE: SSI Team to represent the University of Edinburgh


SSI Director Neil Chue Hong, Project Officer Giacomo Peru, and Project Manager Kirsty Pringle will participate in the European EVERSE project representing EPCC and the University of Edinburgh. The project will start in spring 2024 and run for 36 months with 18 partners across 10 countries.

Coordinated by the Institute of Applied Biosciences (INAB) of the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, (CERTH), the European EVERSE project aims to create a framework for research software and code excellence, collaboratively designed and championed by the research communities across the five EOSC Science Clusters and national Research Software Expertise Centres, in pursuit of building a European Network of Research Software Quality and setting the foundations of a future Virtual Institute for Research Software Excellence.

Building on its leadership of the SSI and work in FAIR-IMPACT on software metrics and metadata, the team at EPCC will focus on developing and implementing processes and tools that support the assessment and verification of code quality, based on established best practices and standards across scientific communities, as well as building a collaborative community for evaluating, verifying, and improving the quality of scientific software and code, and collecting and consolidating best practices and standards from across scientific communities on research software.

The project aims to cross-fertilise different research domains, act as a lobbying organisation, and raise awareness of software as a key enabler in research, with the overall ambition to accelerate research and innovation through improving the quality of research software and code. EVERSE’s ultimate ambition is to contribute towards a cultural change where research software is recognized as a first-class citizen of the scientific process, and the people contributing to it are credited for their efforts. 

For more details on the EVERSE project, please read the full press release or get in touch with the Project Coordinator, Fotis Psomopoulos. For more details on the University of Edinburgh’s role in EVERSE, please contact Prof. Neil Chue Hong.

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International Research Software Engineering Research (IRSER) Community Meetup

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International Research Software Engineering Research (IRSER) Community Meetup

Denis Barclay

Denis Barclay

Communications Officer

Posted on 14 November 2023

Estimated read time: 1 min
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International Research Software Engineering Research (IRSER) Community Meetup

A graphic of a long table with people speaking and interacting

A community meetup will take place between Tuesday 16 and Wednesday 17 January 2024 to bring together those whose research attention is directed towards RSE Research and prepare the ground for an international in-person symposium on RSE Research.

According to Toward Research Software Engineering Research “RSE Research aims to improve the scholarly understanding of research software development, and to develop methods, techniques and tools to improve RSE practice. Therefore, RSE research has to tackle a number of research questions, which do not only address the software as a product, but also software development assistance for the domain researcher”.

Those interested in contributing to the community meetup with a short talk should send a title and a short abstract to by 30 November 2023.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Research software artefacts;
  • Research software engineering methods;
  • The research and professional environment in which research software engineers act;
  • Empirical research on RSE (e.g. experiments, case studies and action research, see Empirical Standards for Software Engineering Research).
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