Why Sponsor CarpentryConnect Manchester 2019

CarpentryConnect Manchester 2019 (#CCMcr19) is expected to be the key community-building and networking event for The Carpentries' community in the UK and Europe for 2019, with worldwide participation. It will be an opportunity to bring together newer and more experienced community members to share knowledge, network, develop new skills and strategies for training and building strong local training communities.

We would not have been able to deliver this event without the generosity of sponsors who support and share our vision. They help us keep registration costs low, maximise participation by people from diverse geographies and communities, and help us provide travel scholarships and childcare options to allow as wide an audience as possible to attend.

In return for your sponsorship, we can promise you a number of benefits. Your name, your product, your service can all be part of our event marketing. Sponsors will get conference time to air their messages, and leading sponsors will be able to send emails to delegates and will get exhibition space to showcase their offerings. You will get an opportunity to network with around 100 delegates during the three days of conference, demo products or services, give away swag, and start some great conversations.

We are offering a range of sponsorship packages:

  • Bronze £1,000 - one conference registration or a lighting talk, logo on sponsor presentation slide displayed before the keynote talks, conference website and printed programme
  • Silver £2,000 - as Bronze + one extra conference registration
  • Gold £5,000 - as Silver + exhibition desk/space
  • Platinum £7,500 - as Gold + custom package
  • Travel sponsor 750-1000£ - sponsor someone to attend a conference + logo on sponsor presentation slide displayed before the keynote talks, conference website and printed programme
  • Dinner sponsor £6,000

See who our current sponsors are. If you are interested in supporting us - please get in touch with Aleksandra Nenadic to discuss sponsorship options.