Apply to the Fellowship Programme

On this page, you will find important information for applying to the Fellowship Programme. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via and subscribe to the Fellowship Programme Newsletter to keep informed about events, deadlines, and the latest news.

View the recording of our launch webinar
SSI Fellowship 2025

Key dates

Applications open: 12 August 2024
Launch webinar: 22 August 2024
Applications close: 7 October 2024
Shortlist confirmed: 5 November 2024 [updated]
Online Selection Day: 18 November 2024
Public announcement of Fellowships: 12 December 2024
Official dates of the Fellowships: 1 January 2025 - 31 March 2026

Aurora on a snowy hill

Application process

The application process consists of an application form and screencast video. If you’re shortlisted, you are then invited to participate in the Online Selection Day. 

In the sections below, you will find a range of information and resources to support your application. 

The application form has six parts: 

  • About you: personal information (such as name and contact information) and demographic information.
  • You and your work: information about where you work and your domain, field, and/or area of work.
  • You and software: information we routinely collect to understand the context and environments of those involved in research software.
  • Your funding: information about financial support for your research/work.
  • Application: information about your plans for the Fellowship.
  • More about you (optional section): optional additional personal information such as online profiles.

The main application is a six-minute voiceover of a slide presentation screencast. 

We suggest the following format for structuring the screencast:

  1. Who you are professionally (1 minute suggested)
  2. What you do (1 minute suggested)
  3. Your plans for the Fellowship (4 minutes suggested)

We have created an Application Video Guide to help you produce your application video. The guide includes examples of screencasts by previous Fellows. 

Shortlisted candidates are invited to participate in the Online Selection Day: a full day of group activities where candidates will be assessed on how they contribute to a session (collaboration and communication skills), and what they contribute to a session (discussion or event planning contributions). 

The final selection of Fellows will be made based on the combined assessment of the candidates’ performances during the Online Selection Day and the Fellowship Plans proposed in the screencast applications.

We are excited to announce that the Fellowship Programme is offering up to three positions for successful international applicants. As the Institute is UK-funded, applicants not based in the UK or without formal affiliation with a UK-based institution or office must demonstrate how their plans foster international collaboration or how UK research culture benefits from their unique perspective and/or techniques.

Applicants should also address potential challenges related to time zones, language barriers, or travel expenses and demonstrate how they plan to overcome them.

Financial considerations may lead to the exclusion of certain countries/regions due to fund movement restrictions. Applicants should be aware of potential administrative steps and discrepancies in expense reimbursement due to currency exchange rates.

Application Support

Here you can find profiles of our Software Sustainability Institute Fellows. They’re experienced and ready to help you with your application for the Fellowship Programme. Whether you have questions, need advice, or just want to learn more, our Fellows are here to support you. Reach out to to get in touch. 

Sammie Buzzard (2018)Jez Cope (2020)Dominik Krzemiński (2021)Loïc Lannelongue (2023)Gary Leeming (2017)
Yadira Sánchez (2021)Colin Sauze (2021)Janetta Steyn (2022)Michael Tso (2023)Yo Yehudi (2018)

Ready to Apply?

Applications are now closed but a new round will be published next year. Please sign up for our newsletter to receive any updates. For any support, contact us at
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